2005-01-03 @ 7:01 p.m.

Feeling moderately disgruntled with 'someone', oh and of course this 'someone' would happen to be male.. enough said.

Today marked the beginning of my weight-loss blitz to get me more shapely for my sister's wedding. If anyone wants to join in the weight-loss *cough* fun then join this group (run by me):

Moo's Mad Weightloss Group

I did some vaccuming today with the new vacuum-cleaner that we bought in a panic on Christmas Eve Day, when the other one started spewing dust OUT at us. It's a Dyson, hmmm Mr. Dyson rocks my world... his vacuum actually makes me feel like vacuuming because I can see results. A bit like weight-loss really... if you see results you feel inspired to continue.

Tried to message P last night, but failed for some reason... not sure if there is something wrong with my phone or maybe she has a new number... anyway... all I was trying to say is:

Hope that you get better soon! I know how nasty the Flu is. Thanks for tagging me!

I am sure I said more than that, but for the life of me I cannot remember now. Duhhhh!

Aside from this, I am having lustful thoughts about knitting, card making, doing a jigsaw and cross stitch. You know it's the dead of winter when you start excessively thinking about such things! I also have discovered that the extreme rashness of my prosterior and thigh area was an intolerance to dairy... because since I have stopped eating any dairy it's gone. Yay, but not yay... I like dairy and now I can't have it, though I rather not have the rash as it was very embarassing and considering that I am on a diet I shouldn't be eating cheese and stuff I guess.

Oooh, and I had this weird rash on my face/cheek/near my ear... and it just appeared... overnight... as if some little leprechaun had slapped me in my sleep violently. Anyway, my skin reminded me of reptilian scales and I started to wonder if David Icke (is that how you spell his name?) might have an interest in me... until this morning I woke up to find that reptilian scales had gone to be replaced by large, red scabs which feel and look like the leprechaun came back and attacked my face with a cheese grater. Needless to say, I am not amused and I will not be baring my face in public if I can help it! Don't want to scare little children...

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+ Born & Living in the UK
+ LTR with OH since 22 September 2004
+ Yorkshire Terrier named Millie
+ M.E. - P.C.O.S - I.B.S. - O.C.D & other issues!
+ Bachelors from UCL
+ Currently studying Interior Design & Decoration
+ Enjoys - Cooking, art, reading, TV, movies, travel
+ Struggles - Life, family relationships, health
+ Future - Marriage, relocation, more studying

The current mood of vlal21 at www.imood.com

� MooMoo 2005
Re-designed 03/11/05

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